Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Core Content Areas Allows English Language Learners Essay

Teaching strategies incorporated into the core content areas allows English language learners the opportunity to process the learning objectives presented by the teacher. There are a variety of approaches to teach the English languages while also teaching content material. These strategies include incorporating modifying vocabulary, graphic organizers, cooperative learning, graphic organizer, and modify test and assignments to meet the needs of the English Language Learners (Haynes, n.d., para. 1). The aforementioned strategies can be combined or utilized separately in content core class like English, Science, History, and Mathematics. The following brakes down the strategies and how they might be incorporated in different high school classes to help ELL students achieve success in the academic acquisition of the English language. Modify the Vocabulary Science Class: A word wall consisting of scientific vocabulary can be created for science courses like Chemistry, Physical Science, Earth Science, and Physics core classes. For example, in chemistry a word wall for physical changes, chemical change, and periodic table vocabulary can be constructed by the students. For Physics, words like speed, velocity, kinetic energy, and potential energy can be posted on a word wall for a lesson on forces and motion to help facilitate the acquisition of academic terminology for ELL learners in the field of science. Also, concepts that are opposite to each other like strong/weak,Show MoreRelatedUsing Online Literacy Software Programs1562 Words   |  7 Pageson the following question: Will the ELLs improve their comprehension skills of expository texts by focusing most of their practices on vocabulary development through the use of online literacy software programs? Review of the Literature English language learners (ELLs) represent a rapidly expanding population in U.S. schools. As the ethnic composition of the United States continues to increase, the prospect that more educators will work with a diverse student population is quickly becoming a realityRead MoreThe Appropriateness Of Resource For Students Who Are Pre K With Grade With Beginner Intermediate Level Esl Skills1513 Words   |  7 Pagesfor students who are pre-k to second grade with beginner to intermediate level ESL skills. The interactive activities, stories, songs, are designed to be easily and freely explored by young learners who are motivated by fun, colorful, animated charters and many prompt to â€Å"click on.† Visual and auditory learners will be well suited to this site as the activities consist of brightly colored visuals paired with auditory directions and sound effects. Cultural responsiveness of resource. 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